Social Responsibility

Diversity and Inclusion

Maintaining a healthy workplace has always been at the heart of the firm’s concerns. Throughout its history, long before the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Quebec’s Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, the firm has prioritized recruiting the most motivated and competent people, regardless of their gender, ethnic origin, religion, or any other criterion based on socio-cultural affiliation, orientation, opinions or allegiances.

This open-mindedness has paid off. Nowadays, few medium-sized law firms comparable to RSS can proudly claim that women occupy close to 55% of their decision-making positions and that their socio-cultural diversity is such that its members speak more than 12 languages.

In our view, the only hiring criterion that counts is the ability and desire to offer the best possible service and to work harmoniously as a team.

RSS au féminin: Women in Key Positions

We established RSS au féminin, an inclusive initiative to promote support and the sharing of knowledge and experience among women professionals in our offices. The initial objective of the creation of this group was to raise awareness among all members of the firm about the concerns and realities experienced by women in the legal profession.

Since then, the group’s mission has been enhanced and its scope has expanded into four subcommittees:

  • The Social Actions Committee, whose purpose is to create and explore opportunities to engage with outside organizations whose mission is to help women
  • The Internal Activities Committee, which is responsible for organizing various internal events with the common objective of exposing participants to the different realities experienced by women
  • The Mentoring Committee, which acts in support of young women professionals who wish to be paired with more experienced women lawyers
  • The Next Generations Committee, which aims at bridging the gap between female members of our firm and women currently in Quebec law schools.

The Importance of Pro Bono

Legal proceedings are often demanding and can be arduous, risky, and expensive. We are aware that certain charities and groups of underprivileged individuals, among others, do not always have access to justice. For these reasons and because we recognize the importance of pro bono services within the legal community, we have established an internal procedure which allows us to accept certain pro bono mandates. Through these services, we want to share our expertise while giving back to the community.

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